Traveling While on Dialysis

Traveling While on Dialysis

Traveling on dialysis is possible. In fact, traveling as a dialysis patient can be a boost in the way you feel, adding to your overall morale. Whether for work or for pleasure, there are ways that you can make moves as a dialysis patient. People with other medical conditions travel all the time, taking their medications with them or making arrangements with facilities at their destinations, and the same can be done for dialysis patients. You may be getting away for a good time or because you are obligated for your job, but ultimately, your travel needs should include a safe way to continue your dialysis treatments. No matter your reason, be sure to discuss options with your doctor before you get on the road or get in the air.

Dialysis can continue while away from home. Planning your trip and treatments in advance can help you avoid a lot of headache. One of the first things you can do is make arrangements with another facility. Find out where local facilities are located and call to ask questions about accommodations. If you will be traveling to visit family, you might even ask a family member to visit the facility before you arrive to do some in-person investigating to confirm that the facility is one that you would feel comfortable using. If your dialysis treatments are less frequent and you have some room for flexibility, you may consider moving your travel dates around to receive your treatments before you travel and when you return.

While traveling, you may consider preparing an emergency travel kit to ensure safety. Your emergency travel kit should include any medications you are taking, documents that explain your dialysis treatment and your physician contact information, and any additional emergency contact information.  It is also important to fax or email essential documents to your temporary dialysis facility to avoid any hurdles in receiving your treatment.

Traveling is a great luxury, but if you are on dialysis, one way to make traveling a constant in your life is to start with shorter trips and gradually make them longer. You can decide how many more days you can handle with every trip you take, eventually becoming a professional at traveling while on dialysis.

Traveling as a dialysis patient is possible. If you had doubts about whether you could do it or not, you can! Plan your trips ahead of time, prepare for emergencies, and practice for longer trips by taking the shorter ones first. Travel can not only provide a sense of normalcy and control, but also provide some adventure and increase self-esteem. Consult your doctor and then go for it!